I folded a small house of blanc newspaper print, appr. 15 cm high, specifically for them.
The size of the mural is 116x116 cm. I used oil pastel. Oil pastel is wax with pigment, it doesn’t dry, it always stays a bit sticky. I used a specific varnish for the drawing so it is well protected and dry.
I use my art to simplify and understand partially this rich complex (sub)conscious world.
I play around with materials and/or images and create a stil life. This stil life symbolizes the inner world.
When I feel the urge to paint or draw the stil life I know the connection is there. Painting or drawing it confirms this connection and reveals it through new materials, colors, size and style which have all their own symbolism in the work.
I have a gift of also depicting other people’s energy.
So some of these paintings are about others. It´s a great way to support.
The drawings are attached on the galery doors and those are connecting doors to another gallery.
The houses are opposite and complementary to each other.
One is deep, the other shallow.
One with an open top, the other one closed.
An open left door, an open right door.
One has a layered top, the other a layered body.
Black and white together as opposites make grey.
Grey is the ultimate color of balance.
The house is symbol to your world.
The uniqueness of people is beautiful but also very mysterious.
Every person has their own (sub)consciousness, their own home.
You can never enter someone else's and never welcome somebody into yours.
I drew these with my left hand, although I am originally right-handed. With oil pastel. The folded houses are made of blank newsprint paper. Its soft and thin paper with a light grey color. Their size is app. 15 cm high.
I folded several small houses of approximately 15 to 20 cm high.
No doors and no windows. It became my personal origami.
The repetition in my work is important.
No plan and no rules.
Feel the form.
I present them on the ground. The floor is created from the same paper as the houses.
They are small and vulnerable. You could never go in.
The floor of the houses is corresponding with the galery doors, in color and in shape: 8 light grey rectangles. This was the connection to create the large drawings and hang them on the galery doors as a next step and to the graduation work.
I cut a door in the folded houses. And opened the galery doors.